SensingClues is going to protect Nguvu!

Last week was a fantastic week!

  • for Nguvu, because our early warning and fast-response systems are going to help rangers to keep him and his family safe;

  • for SensingClues, because we gained our first contract!

SensingClues is partnering with Wildlife Works, ShadowView, Protrek and NSCR in the Tech for Tusks project. The project aims at developing and testing hi-tech systems to protect elephants in the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor, Kenya. We bring in our expertise and early warning and fast-response technologies.

The last few months we have been working hard to make our technologies ready. We’ve tested and demonstrated them in the Netherlands. Our potential customers and techno team were satisfied. So, now it’s time to test them in the harsh conditions of the African bush! Recent incidents, including ones that made the world-wide press, urge us to wast no more time.

The project is starting mid October. The tests will take about one month. We’ll keep you posted through  Twitter and this blog!