taxonomy explorer

We use custom and formal taxonomies to harmonise and manage the categories, classes, and subclasses in our semantic data model for nature conservation. Explore the categories and classes using the Taxonomy Explorer below.

The SCSS Ontology forms the core of the Sensing Clues Data Model, which is linked to formal taxonomies such as the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy and other authoritative sources to cover all known species.

If you notice anything missing, wish to collaborate, or want access to our APIs and tools contact us.


This is a product of the Semantic Web Company.

Its content is derived from various sources and processed by the Team of Nature FIRST, a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) from HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-02 Call (grant Agreement ID 101060954) that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme.