

3. Tusnad Eco Bear Conference in Romania

nature first team united

Last week, Jan-Kees, Melanie, Menno, and Rebekka gathered at the 3rd Tusnad Eco Bear Conference at Hotel O3zone in the stunning Băile Tușnad, Romania. It was an incredible experience finally meeting in person. The scenic train ride from Budapest gave us plenty of time to bond, especially over a few spirited card games. The conference was a fantastic opportunity to connect with our Nature FIRST partners and meet some intriguing new faces.

brown Bear Scratch Marks…

A standout moment was Thursday’s field trip to Lake Saint Anne and the Mohos Peat Bog, where we discovered numerous signs of brown bears. Scat, scratch marks, and chewed signage: all clear indications that bears are indeed in the area, which we dutifully documented in our Data Collection App Cluey.

brown bear scat…

As the trip progressed, we became increasingly attuned to the signs of bears, growing ever more excited about the possibility of a sighting. On the bus ride back to the hotel, we suddenly heard the call: "Brown bear!" And there it was, just off the road: a magnificent brown bear. It was a sight none of us will forget, etched forever in our hearts.

This trip to Romania was truly an adventure, and we at Sensing Clues would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved for the superb organisation, engaging presentations, and delightful conversations. We can't wait for the next opportunity to come together!

…and finally the brown bear!

3. Tusnad Eco Bear Conference in Romania

Sensing Clues and Nature FIRST Join the Tusnad Eco Bear Conference in Romania

Next week, we’re excited to be part of the 3rd Tusnad Eco Bear Conference at Hotel O3zone in Băile Tușnad, Romania.

Organised by the ProjectBag Association and WWF Romania, with support from the Mayor's Office of Băile Tușnad and Nature FIRST, this year's conference will tackle the challenges of human-large carnivore coexistence. Experts from across Europe will gather to share practical solutions for reducing human-wildlife conflicts through presentations, workshops, and field trips.

A conference about people and bears, about coexistence.

Our team members – Jan-Kees, Melanie, Menno, and Rebekka – will lead discussions on managing these conflicts and developing bear-smart communities. Rebekka will moderate a panel discussion on human-wildlife coexistence featuring Tánczos Barna, former Minister of Environment, Water, and Forests of Romania, Zsolt Butyka, Mayor of Băile Tușnad, Cristian Remus Papp, Bear Expert & Team Leader WWF Romania, and Jan-Kees. Additionally, Nature FIRST partners, including Jan-Kees, will delve into various aspects of human-large carnivore coexistence.

A special highlight will be the debut of the Human-Bear Conflict Radar, developed by Wageningen University Research and Sensing Clues as part of the EU-funded Nature FIRST Project. This innovative tool will help communities monitor and predict conflicts with brown bears in real-time, paving the way for better coexistence. We’re excited to share that similar technology will soon be adapted for other species, like elephants, wolves, and tigers. Stay tuned for updates!