New in Cluey !


The past few months we've been working on few major user requests.

In these release notes you learn all about them! Enjoy the read and don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions or ideas about our Services!

We wish you a healthy 2022 full of wonderful wildlife experiences!

The Sensing Clues team,


Download map section

To ease the process of downloading map sections for offline use, we created a section to download and manage offline maps. Like you may be used to in other map-apps, you can download entire areas in just a few clicks, give them a meaningful name, or remove them if you no longer need them. 

Privacy Statement and General Terms & Conditions

We highly value your privacy and the security of your data. In accordance with global laws and regulations, we incorporated our related policies into the user registration process. Interested to read them? You also find them at the footer of this page.


And last but not least: Cluey now also 'speaks' German. Hence, if your phone language is set to German, Cluey will also be presented in German. At our helpdesk you can read which other languages are supported.


Customise Cluey

Based on feedback we received we expanded the options to customise Cluey to your needs. New in this release are:

  • customise the list of tracking options

  • switch on/off entire data entry fields (select or de-select all)

Points of Interest

We renamed the categoryInfrastructureintoPoint of Interest. Many users find that more intuitive. As you may have seen, Points of Interest do not only cover bridges, camera traps and other infrastructural assets, but also water and flora-related concepts.

Example. You can usePoint of Interestobservations to build a database on for example fruit trees that are favoured by a specific species. Having such as database is of importance to predict the presence of these species during the fruiting season, which in turn is of great value to prevent conflicts between people and animals.

If you are interested in this theme, stay tuned! Together with Wageningen University and Research we are working ondigital twins to predict whereabouts of speciesin real-time!

New concepts

Every new project has its own special concepts that need to be recorded. In this release we added:

  • K9 Patrol tracking type (for a project in Zimbabwe)

  • Fence inspection tracking type (for a project in Tanzania)

  • Animal behaviour as data entry field (for several projects)

Coming soon!

We are currently working on the following requests:

  • add satellite image as basemap. This is especially helpful when you are working in remote areas with few map features.

  • Attach photos from your library to an observation. This allows you to add photos made with for example a tele-lens.

  • Record details related to Action-taken. We start with the addition of resources used such as rope, kilos of pepper etc. when building or repairing a Chili-fence, which is an effective means to keep elephant at bay during the harvesting season.