Sensing clues service Portfolio

We partner with organisations that work with local communities to preserve nature. We assist these organisations in mastering all levels of data-driven nature conservation with the following services:

Impact Areas

  • Community-led nature conservation is crucial for long-term success. Most NGOs we work with run activities focused on awareness, alternative livelihoods, sustainable farming practices, health, and education.

    To support these efforts, we've developed a Community Work Module to record activities and create statistical overviews for assessing impact.

  • When potentially dangerous animals enter human-dominated areas, protective measures are crucial to protect both, humans and animals.

    To this end we invest in Early Warning and Action Networks (EWAN). Our real-time Monitoring & Alerting Solutions enables protectors to take timely actions.

  • Thousands of rangers, guardians, wardens, scouts, and volunteers work daily to protect wildlife and enforce the law.

    We support them with a full information cycle, where data collected using our Data Collection App is enriched and returned as Analytical Maps & Reports.

  • Patrolling protected areas deters threats and manages Points of Interest such as trees, boreholes, entry gates, camera traps, and ranger stations.

    Our platform - featuring a Data Collection App, Real-time Situational Awareness for Command Centers, and Analytical Maps & Reports - lets you systematically monitor these areas and take appropriate action.

  • Assessing biodiversity and tracking significant changes over time are vital for most nature conservation organisations.

    Our platform, featuring a Data Collection App, Real-time Situational Awareness and Analytical Maps & Reports, offers powerful tools and methods for monitoring habitats, wildlife, and environmental pressures.



Sensing Clues Platform

  • Data-driven nature conservation begins with recording sightings, events, and tracks. These are logged by rangers, biologists, citizen scientists, camera traps, sensors, or trackers.

    We then enrich this data with open-source data like OpenStreetMap and satellite information.

  • Monitoring is all about detecting meaningful change in space over time. Our ambition is to detect these changes as early - and easy - as possible, enabling proactive action before it's too late.

  • A simple yet powerful reporting engine enables you to produce -in just 3 steps- insightful bar charts and maps for decision-makers.

  • With connected animal trackers or other types of sensors, you can easily set up alert rules, such as:

    • An animal stops moving: Possible death

    • An animal approaches a crop field: Alert Quick Response Teams

    • Water level falls below a threshold: Check pump

    • A licence plate matches a whitelist: All clear

  • Our analytical apps show where and when risks like illegal logging, charcoaling, and poaching are likely to occur.

    We distinguish between Periodic Risk Maps, which highlight risk areas for the next 30 days, and Radars, which predict risks in the next few hours.

  • Habitat maps provide essential information for protected area managers and policy makers.

  • Technical integration of tools, data, and third parties, like camera traps, animal trackers or audio recorders, is both feasible and essential for optimising operations.

    We seamlessly connect these elements to enhance functionality and drive efficiency, unlocking new opportunities for innovation.