“The Sensing Clues Platform has been essential in understanding tigers' spatial patterns, fostering peaceful coexistence between humans and tigers.”

Urban Tiger Conservation Project, India - Better data, information and reports for fostering peaceful coexistence between humans and tigers

In the Bhopal region of India, tigers live in close proximity to the city. The Urban Tiger Conservation Project monitors tigers and other carnivores in urban areas to assess the potential of city landscapes for large carnivore conservation. 

The Sensing Clues Data Collection App Cluey played a key role in helping researchers collect evidence of tiger presence through the efforts of Citizen Scientists. Thanks to the Analytical Toolbox, detailed, information-rich maps were created quickly, providing valuable insights into tiger distribution.

This data helped researchers understand tigers' needs and spatial patterns, which was crucial for fostering greater community acceptance and support. It also provided essential guidance on how to avoid dangerous encounters, promoting both wildlife conservation and human safety.


“Sensing Clues has significantly enhanced our effectiveness in protecting elephants and engaging local communities.”


“Our Human-Bear Conflict Radar is the first human-wildlife conflict digital twin at the deployment stage.”