Protected Area Managment

Effective nature conservation hinges on several critical actions: managing protected areas, safeguarding wildlife from poachers, patrolling these vital zones, and monitoring biodiversity. Each element plays a crucial role in preserving our natural world.

Protected area management ensures that vital habitats remain intact and functional, providing safe havens for diverse species. Protecting wildlife from poachers is essential to prevent illegal exploitation and preserve animal populations. Patrolling protected areas helps deter and respond to threats, maintaining the integrity of these sanctuaries. Finally, monitoring biodiversity provides essential data on species health and ecosystem changes, guiding conservation strategies and ensuring adaptive responses.

Success Stories

Black Mamba all women Anti-Poaching Unit, South Africa - Real-time situation reports to combat rhino poaching

The Black Mambas are an unarmed, all-female ranger team drawn from local communities, where they are well-known and respected. They protect a large part of the Greater Kruger area from poachers, and their efforts have halted rhino poaching in their region.

Utilising the Sensing Clues Platform, the Black Mambas monitor field operations and gather data on rhino sightings, snares, gunshots, and other relevant information. Their daily situation reports allow them to stay ahead of emerging issues and address them promptly.

Wildlife Works, Kenya - Enhanced communication as a game changer for wildlife protection and tracking illegal activities

Wildlife Works takes care of the forest and helps humans co-exist with wildlife. The Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project is a vital wildlife corridor linking Kenya’s largest national park, Tsavo East, with Tsavo West.

The introduction of the Sensing Clues Platform has significantly enhanced ground and aerial coordination, dramatically improving wildlife protection and the monitoring of illegal logging.

Nature FIRST, Europe - PREVENTING THE DECLINE OF BIODIVERSITY through predictive, proactive and preventative capabilities

Funded by the European Commission, Nature FIRST is developing preventive capabilities for nature conservation by combining theoretical insights from ecology and environmental forensics with empirical environmental observations.

Sensing Clues is leading this three-year HORIZON Research and Innovation programme, which includes 12 consortium partners. The Sensing Clues Technologies help to develop predictive, proactive, and preventative capabilities to protect, manage and nurture nature.