GraphViews to explore taxonomies

Taxonomies are used to bring order in categories, classes and subclasses of things, such as species, habitats, and more.

Using the PoolParty GraphViews technology, we are creating an overarching knowledge graph that allows researchers and developers to:

  • Explore the content of the exposed taxonomies;

  • Create online references: enriching your data with linking it with other linked-open-data sources;

  • Create taxonomy-driven reports: categorise the data that you collected following the taxonomy of your choice;

  • Propose and create linkages between taxonomies.

We find the latter highly exciting, as it will enable graph search type of questions such as:

How exciting is that!

Contact us if you want to collaborate with us or would like to have access to our APIs or collaboration tools.


GraphViews is a product of the Semantic Web Company.

Its content stems from various sources and is processed the Work Package 4 Team of Nature FIRST, a project is co-funded by the European Commission, HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions, Grant agreement ID 101060954.