Release of the year: completely renewed back-end and Focus!

We are very proud to announce a completely renewed back-end and brand new Focus with a clean interface, improved interaction and optimized performance. Thanks to this, analyzing and exploring your area will be much more intuitive and efficient. Also we enhanced security so you feel even more safe to create your safe havens. 


Thanks to the new navigation, updated map styles and modern interface design your experience will be much more intuitive. Exploring and analyzing will be much more efficient, so you can focus on what is most important.

Focus 2.0 screen sattelite


One of the main features of the Wildlife tool suite (WITS) platform of Sensing Clues is its by-design built-in security. As sensitive data is registered by the users of Cluey, it is of utmost importance that this data stays safe and secure. To test the strength of all security measures, we asked Deloitte last year to perform a security audit. Although no serious security threats were found, the report did include a number of concrete security recommendations. We took these at heart and used them to further strengthen the security of the WITS platform.

Stability and performance 

One of the main ingredients of this release was an upgrade to the latest version of the MarkLogic database. As an end-user, you will certainly notice this in the stability and performance of the tool. We are extremely grateful that MarkLogic sponsored us with a version of their latest software. It is through support of Solution partners like them that we are able to support nature conservations organisations all across the world with highly advanced solutions to turn wild spaces into safe havens.

Big thanks to our partners, who made this possible!
Deloite • Marklogic • Mapbox • Poolparty • BIT • frontier oost • Brendan & MacKenzie • DIKW