Community work module instructions

1. Preparation phase

During this phase, you will work with your staff to determine which data needs to be collected by addressing three key questions:

  1. What types of beneficiaries are you working with?
    For example: women’s groups, children, farmers, etc.

  2. What themes and subjects are you focusing on?
    For example: ecological farming, human-elephant conflicts, etc.

  3. What types of activities or modes of engagement are you organising?
    For example: workshops, demonstrations, field visits, etc.

Most categories and topics are already available in the Sensing Clues data model and can be customised to meet your needs. Additionally, you can select or deselect pick-lists related to land ownership and items you may be providing, such as education or hygiene kits.

Use the answers to these questions to configure our Cluey Data Collector in three steps, which are explained in the video below:

  1. Create a new Group in Cluey.

  2. Invite Group Members involved in the community activities.

  3. Configure Cluey according to your agreed-upon criteria.

our TIP: Start simple

To simplify the interface for users and reduce training needs and mistakes, limit data entry options by following these steps:

  1. Deselect all Observation types (1).

  2. Select the Community Work option (2).

  3. Scroll down and click the Save button.

Note: You can update your Group's configuration at any time without causing issues. Changes can be easily reverted if needed.

2. Data collection phase

  • To log in to the Cluey Data Collection App, ensure you are online. Have your community workers log in before they leave the office.

  • Create one Cluey record per event. You can edit the record throughout the day to add more details.

  • Include photos of the event and the attendance sheet as proof, which will enhance your report.

  • Remember to save any changes you make.

  • When you return to the office, switch Cluey to online mode. Once online, all collected data will be automatically shared with your team.

3. Reporting phase

Once you’ve received the data from the field, use Focus 360 to review it or the Community Work Report to draft your statistics and bar charts. Follow these 4 simple steps:

  1. Enter your Cluey credentials.

  2. Choose your reporting period.

  3. Select the Cluey Groups you wish to include.

  4. Deselect any categories you do not want in your report.

After clicking the Get Observations button, a variety of graphs and tables will be automatically generated:

You can copy information to your reports in 3 ways:

  1. Use the right-click menu to copy and paste the bar chart.

  2. Scroll down to copy the table below the graph or download it as a CSV file.

  3. Select the Raw Data tab and click the Download button to obtain all data.

Let’s start

For more information, online training, or advice on data collection and organisation, please get in touch. If you need any additional categories, we’ll add them for you.