The Cluey data collection app is a product of Sensing Clues Foundation in collaboration with:

  • Bas; David; Jan-Kees Schakel; Judith; Marco; Mike; Nicolas; Niek; Sabine

  • DIKW Intelligence: Hugo

  • Freepik from Flaticon

  • frontier oost: Jimmy, Marco and Yorinde

  • MarkLogic

  • Noun Project: Paw Print by kareemovic1000; teeth by jisangbong; animal skull by Berkah Icon; bee by Bryn Taylor; cattle by Agniraj Chatterji; Pangolin by Coret Steyn; chicken and cheep by Symbolon; Vulture by Matt Dean; Falcon from Martina Krasnayová; Stork by Arthur Lacôte; Woodpecker by Dolly Holmes; Raven by Botho Willer; Owl by Mirshka; Hole by Left Martinez; Listen by ProSymbols; hair by Daniela Baptista; Hole by Left Martinez; pork by Rfourtytwo; Bison by Steve Laing; Goat by Yu luck; Horse by Hea Poh Lin; Camel by Samsul Rizal; give by Adrien Coquet; bullet shot by walkerstudio13; Car Accident by Lauren Frager; big fish by Delwar Hossain; Horse by N.K.Narasimhan; Eagle by Yuriy Obodnikov; snake head by Vectors Market; car crash by Olivier Guin; beneficiary declaration by Andy Selimov; bridge by rdftgzikp; drainage pipe by ProSymbols; focus by ahmad; Radioactive Waste by Gan Khoon Lay; firewall by monkik; cleaning by Adrien Coquet; alien by IconSweet; Checklist by Delwar Hossain; subject by WEBTECHOPS LLP; fur by Sarah; coffee cup by Jaohuarye; give by alvianwijaya; male hair by IcoLabs; Sound by Kantor Tegalsari; stray dog by Gan Khoon Lay; Thermos by Sergey Demushkin; Horse Kicking Human by Gan Khoon Lay; bed bug by Michael Thompson; Dead Bird by Dima Gavrikov; Residential by sahara junadir; Trough by Amelia Wattenberger; Rhinoceros by ProSymbols; antlers by VectorBakery; Basilisk Fang by Polina Raevskaya; tap water by Francesca Ameglio; man beating stray dog by Gan Khoon Lay; Horse by Rutmer Zijlstra; abused dog by Gan Khoon Lay; killing stray dog by Gan Khoon Lay; Axe by Vectorstall; kit by Maurizio Fusillo; winter migration by Lars Meiertoberens; paintball by Justicon; moss by Lars Meiertoberens; Firecracker by Adrien Coquet; firework by Maxim Kulikov; Snowflake by alerma, Rabbit by David; cat wounded by Richard Nixon; Cable Tie by Dan Hetteix; Whistle by ARIPATUT DASUKI; Flower by Gilbert Bages; Scorpio by; boar by Hugo RICHIR; rock by Michael Rojas; Salt by Adrien Coquet; Badger by Jennifer; Badger by Luiz Carvalho; hare by Ludovic Riffault; Drone by kamal az zahra 93; medic by Bakunetsu Kaito; swamp by Katie Wright; Swimming Pool by Creative Stall; Hamster by Anthony Ledoux; Bullet by Pondok Multimedia; Bat by flamingo; berries by Manoj Raj; ammunition by SAM Designs; banana by Nikita Kozin; honey by ibrandify; secure by Andrejs Kirma; disapointed by Vectors Market; Security Remove by; vegetables by Georgiana Ionescu; cooking ware by Cahya Kurniawan; bush by Laymik; herb by mambu; gorilla by Hamza Wahbi; chimpanzee by HeadsOfBirds from the Noun Project; trap by Sergey Demushkin; cinnamon sticks by Daniel Luft; Pangolin by Coret Steyn, entry by Sophia Bai, sand by iconisme; Machete by Kieu Thi Kim Cuong, Land Mine by Luis Prado, monkey by M. Turan Ercan, cutting woods by ProSymbols, peppers by Les vieux garçons, nuts by Sneha Cecil, Cow Footprint by Gan Khoon Lay, Lemur by Christy Presler, Rodent by Jack Zwanenburg, shrub by Andre Buand, flooded the garden by Chatchai Pripimuk, monkey by Iconic, Gazelle by Mood Design Studio, Deer by m. turan ercan, Chameleon by Smalllike, lizard by IronSV, orangutan by Hey Rabbit, Antelope, Sloth and Beaver by parkjisun, rhino by Kevin and Carl Holderness, Signal Strength by Erik Vullings, Cane toad by Abby, Hornbill Head by Em Elvin, Bird by Adrien Coquet, Pelican Body and Duck by Icons Producer, Flamingo by Laymik, Bird by CAMB, carry eggs by Laymik, Stones by Grufus; Cat by Denis Sazhin, sleep by Evgeny Filatov, drinking by US National Park Service, eat by Aneeque Ahmed, Leopard by Adriano Emerick, Stork by Pelin Kahraman, panther by Kemesh Maharjan, Ant by Kylie Suttor, Deer by Andreas Reich, Patient by Daniel Grohotolski, Deceased by Jafri Ali, Maize by Symbolon, Renovation by Made, Long gun by Jarem Frye, Mangrove by zidney, Machine gun by Lastspark, Planks by Adrien Coquet, Spear by Satrio bagus permadi, Stump by Anton, Smoke by indra anis, Wildfire by agus raharjo, Controlled fire, Perimeter by Timofei Rostilov, Tracking by mim studio, Weakness by Wili Aprada, Strong by Larea, Pizza Empty by Juan Pablo Bravo, Scissor by rivercon, Thief by Vinicius Ramos, Signal Strength by Veronika Krpciarova, Dry by Adrien Coquet, Drops by iconsphere, Water Level by BUSAIRI, Glass by Halfazebra Studio, Pint Glass by Nick Kinling, Empty Glass by Trevor Dsouza, Happy Cat by Pelin Kahraman, Bird by Saeful Muslim, bushbaby by Phạm Thanh Lộc, Pig by Iconic, plowing by Symbolon, tired by Narasena studio, Rat by karina, marmot by Philipp Lehmann, gun permit by Silviu Ojog, African Wild Dog by Hannah, wolf wounded by Richard Nixon, Honey Badger, gardening shears by P Thanga Vignesh by Harold Weaver, otter by Kevin, Train by Manaqib S from Noun Project, Data Collection by Hamel Khaled, Pet by Cristiano Zoucas, Bushpig by Icons Producer, Track by Vectorstall, Horn by Ahock, Warrant by Adrien Coquet, Clipboard by Arthur Shlain, Salt by Adrien Coquet, Bait by Roma Iskander, Tractor by Setyo Ari Wibowo, Bulldozer from IronSV, Activity by Dinosoftlab, Grass by hamish, Leaves by Andra Wisma, Scavenging by bakunetsu kaito, Standing by Travis Bird, Alarm by Ricki tri Putra, Otter by Cristy Presler, Apiary by Arya Icons, Farm by Heipi, Electric fence by Francielly Costantin Senra, Graduation by Atif Arshad, Collect by Shmidt Sergey, Crowned Crane by Laymilk, Cow bell by Valerie Lamm, Drum by Prosymbols, Tourist by Made, Clap hands by Napisah, Air horn by Ferifrey, Grenade by Muhammad Tajudin, Catapult by Vectorstall, Ambush by Eucalyp, Approach by Putu Dicky Adi Pranatha, Cart by Fer Rugama, Gibbon by Icon trip, Demolish a building by Foxyard studio, Harvest crops by Smashicons, Fish by Alena Artemova, Dalls porpoise by Phạm Thanh Lộc, Raccoon by Icon trip and Fast Run by Majide from the Noun Project

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